Monday, January 14, 2013

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Day

Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. He is best known for being a prominent leader in the advancement of civil rights in the United States and around the world, using nonviolent methods. In 1955, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. led the Montgomery Bus Boycott and in 1957 he helped to found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" speech. In 1964, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to end racial segregation and discrimination through civil disobedience and other nonviolent means. He was assassinated on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. Martin Luther King Day was established as a federal U.S. holiday in 1986 and it is observed on the third Monday of January each year. Ronald Reagan signed the holiday into law in 1983, and it was first observed on January 20, 1986. Martin Luther King Day was officially observed in all 50 states for the first time in 2000.

Beginning with the words "I Have a Dream," write your own speech about your hopes for our world and its people.


Charlotte said...

I have a dream that the world will be all peacful someday. I also want the world to have no worlds. It would be great to have everybody being respectful to eachother. The world would would be so nice and happy if it was peacful. I really hope my dream comes true.

Richa said...

I have a dream that all people may live in peace. Freedom may blow in every wind. I wish every breath we take will be warm and full of happiness. Kids of all colors may go to the same park.I have a dream.

Charlotte said...

by the way I meant no wrs

Charlotte said...

I meant no wars

Nina :) said...

"I have a dream" for all people, all over the world, to stop the wars. I think everyone should be nice and kind to each other. I want peace. I wish for food and water for everyone, happiness, laughter and fun! I also wish for a roof over everyones head.

Tristan said...

I have a dream that everyone, I mean everyone, should have rights like the wealthiest people in the world have and are treated fairly. For example:
• A good paying job.
• A good home (good roof and all that)
• Refrigerators (and freezers) always stocked.
• Warm clothes.
• Enough money for the fun stuff.
I have a dream that there will be no wars. All over the world there will be peace Everyone will be nice to each other and no one will kill someone else on purpose. Everyone will forgive one another.

Matthew P said...

I have a dream that everyone will be treated equally. No one should be made fun of or bullied. People young and old should be treated with respect. Everyone should be treated with respect. Some people aren't treated with respect. That is not fair. I hope that everyone is treated with respect.

james said...

I think that people should be treated well in the same way.Having no one being pick on.We should have the same right as another person. we should not be wars or world wars. we should not be bullied . An include others and being nice to others.

Ibrahim said...

I have a dream that one day the world would have no wars. That everyone lived in peace. Also that there will be equality in everyone. That everyone would have equal rights in everything. That nobody would be stopped from doing what they wish as long as it didn't harm anyone in anyway.

mensajes claro said...

He did a better world

Julie said...

i have a dream so someday the people that work hard everyday should get more money so they dont get wars happen when you dont need to.have fun and try to!try to do the best of what you can do.try to do one different thing each year.include others when they ask you to play with them.dont lissen to your friends do what you want to do sometimes like if you think your good at sports but your friend dosent then dont lissen to them.

laura said...

I dream that there was no wars.I dream people would be nice to each olher.i wich people would be happy and thoughtful.I hope my wish comes comes true someday.

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Ryan said...

I have a dream that there will be no more wars. That every one will be treated alike. I have a dream that no one will treat others badley. I hope that everyone can do the same, unless it hurts others. I have a dream.

Tessa said...

I have a dream, that everyone will be treated fairly, that the world will live in endless peace and harmony. Everyone, white or colored, rich or poor, educated or not, should have these necessities.
Warm clothing,
A education,
A stable house,
And a kitchen with all necessary tools.

Andrew said...

I have a dream where people should be able to follow their dreams without laws holding them back. They should be able to have their own rights and be themselves, a world of peace, no wars, no criminals, and last, I want a world where everyone is treated normal, any kind of color skin, any kind of clothes, and any kind of personality. If I where Martin Luther King Jr, This would be my speech. I could make this dream possible if we could save our plants, animals and energy. Together, we could change the world.

Desiree said...

I have dream that the world would respect each other,there will be no more world wars,and have freedom like we have now.It will also be great if everybody has a house, food, water,and education.I also wish that we will have peace.(My dad said 3-5 is a sentence)

Trevor said...

I have a dream that one day there will be no war amongst the world. I dream of a future where there is no fighting over territory or resources. This is a world where everyone is treated the same and no one will go hungry. I dream that animals will be treated just as fairly as humans. In this world all children have access to education. In the future the technology will be more advanced then it is today.

liam said...

I have a dream that there will be a cure for Cystic Fibrosis soon. That there will be no more bullies on the internet. Everybody will be friends. Also that there will be no more wars. Finally, that everyone has everything (food, clothes, shelter) they need.

Alexander said...

I have a dream that people will stop polluting the Earth. I hope that all people will be treated fairly. I wish we could reduce the amount of wars we go into. I think that it would be awesome if we could get all of these things done. I also think all people can do the same things.

Matthew S said...

I have a dream that science will solve the mystery of curing cancer. I have a dream that everyone will have clean water. I have a dream that instant food will be available at any time for anyone. I have a dream that global warming will be stopped and that the pandas will be saved.I have a dream that any form of transportation will be available for anyone.

Lauren said...

I have a dream that all people will be treated fairly in the world.I also would like to stop glopl warming. Then I want to help world hunger.I would also like to donate money to orfanages all around the world and to donate toys to kenya.That's what I would try to do if I where Dr.Luther King jr.

alivia said...

I have a dream that we could stop all vilonce and to stop wars.I also will like to have peace and happness.Then I want to help the have no pepole that have no shelter or food or water.I also hope that pepole just belive in there self and never give up. One more thing I wish that everybody will be treated the same way as youmtreat others.

alivia said...

sorry i mean as you treat others.

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