Monday, January 7, 2013

Newton's Birthday

Isaac Newton was born on January 4, 1643 in Woolsthorpe, England. He was an English physicist, mathematician, and astronomer. He is considered by many to be the greatest scientist of his time.
Isaac Newton discovered the Law of Gravitation. This discovery started with an apple falling from a tree.
  • Why do you think Newton's discovery of gravity was important?
Visit Wikipedia's Isaac Newton's Page to learn more information about this influential scientist.


Matthew P said...

I think it was important because gravity is a big part of science. Another scientist probally would've discovered gravity if Newton hadn't. If no one discovered gravity we wouldn't know why things fall or why people jump high on the moon. We also wouldn't know as much about science if we didn't know about gravity. If we didn't even have gravity on Earth we would all float around and eating and sleeping would be difficult.

Tristan said...

Yes, I do think that his discovery was important. Why? Well…….If we never knew about gravity, what would we know about flying into space? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. And if we did, we would know a lot about flying into space. Not just flying into space, but we will (and know now) all about our galaxy.
Thanks to him, we know a lot about gravity.

james said...

I think it is important because we would die because we would flout in space. There is no air in space thats how we'd die. Or we might be on earth . And so we would fly forever. If we spiled things or dropped some thing it would flout there and your food moves and might hit the wall.

Laura said...

I think its inportant because is a big part of the world.If we did not have gravity we would float and so would the lake and the house and everything would float.I think tha it would be hard to do lots of things like eating sleeping playing sports writing and stuff like that.Also i think that you really don't have a lot of ways to control where you go.Last if you fly really high you might not be able to get down. thats why i think that gravity is inportant

desiree said...

Gravity is important because if we didn't have any gravity will be flouting. Earth is like an magnet it pulls everything like if we jump we will go right down. That's why we can sit down,stand up, lay down, and relax in any way. ("my dad said that three-five is a setanace.")

Matthew s said...

I think that gravity was important in that period of time because they started making machines. People could design machines to use gravity to do work.Also it was important because it gave a mathematical basis for observing the motion of planets.Newtons law also put up a base for modern physics and astronomy.His law of gravity helped us understand how to launch satellites into orbit and when it is in orbit it will stay in orbit.

Ibrahim said...

I think that this discovery was very important for several reasons. First because for scientist this was a very important descovery so they could figure other fact out. Also they could warn people about metiors and other disastors that could happen because they are all affected by gravity. Another thing is that without gravity our planets would'nt be able to float. Last, without gravity almost everything would fall.

Tessa said...

I think that Newton's discovery was (And is)very important. If he had not discovered gravity, how would we have known that people going to the moon or other planets need to be anchored or tied to something to not float away. The first trip to the moon could have been disastrous. Neil Armstrong or Buzz Aldrin could of simply floated away!

Andrew said...

I think that the discovery of gravity was VERY important because without it, we would float away into space. I would NOT like to live in space. I think it was fate for that apple to fall on Newton's head. But it would hurt if apple fell on your head. I hope an apple will fall on my head in the future!

Tessa said...

I forgot a sentence. If we didn't know about gravity, how would we be able to get to space in the first place? Everything would have failed!

Julie said...

with out him we would maybe not have gravity like we have right now.without gravity scientics maybe could not know what space or a planet looks like.without gravity we probably not have earth because it would just fall to the ground. so it is very important to have garavity.without him we would not even know what gravity even is but that we learned now by him and now its happening. we have gravity!

liam said...

Newton's discovery was impotant because with gravity explained what keeps us on earth. It also helped us understand how other things around us worked. With his discovery, it made it possible to send the first human into space. Newton helped prove what goes up must come down. The discovery made us curious about other things in the universe and encouraged the advancements we have made in science.

Lauren said...

Isic Newton's discovery is important because without gravity we would be floating in space.Also are planet would be floating in the space time continyouum.Without graity it would be very hard to live.And we would die.Thats why Isic Newtons discovery is so important to us.

alivia said...

I think Newton's discovery was important. Because if he has not discovery gravity we would not know why something fell or why we jump and come right back down.Or why in space that you had less gravity and you can jump 6* more then you usually can jump. Also it is a very big part of science. But most likly i Newton did not fugure out about i bet that a sciencetist would fugure out about gravity but they would not call it gravity. So we would never of herd the word gravity.

Adam said...

I think gravity was an important discovery. Without this discovery we would not have known about how the Earth and the Moon orbit together. We also would not have known about the solar system. What I have also learned is when you throw something up like a ball and it is not going 25,000 miles /hour it will come back down. Without knowing about gravity, we would also not know how to launch a rocket into space. We are lucky that Sir Issac Newton discovered gravity. It has been fun learning about this discovery in class.

Alexander said...

I think the discovery of gravity is important because... if we didn't discover gravity we might not be able to expand on it. Like having to go about 25,000 mph to escape gravity. Have you ever heard the expression,'' What comes up must go down,'' well if the discovery hadn't been made about gravity then we wouldn't be able to understand that. Gravity is a big part space many people do a lot of research on it. If we didn't have gravity on Earth we would float off. that is why I think discovering gravity was very important!!!!

Nina said...

It is important because gravity is a big part of science. If there was no gravity we would float up and up and up! Everything else would float too. I think it would be kinda cool sometimes to fly around and do somersaults in the air! I would love to jump so high! Yes I do think that gravity is important, because otherwise we would float up to space and die. Night Night!

Romana said...

Gravity is very important to us. Without gravity we would be floating everywhere. If we didn't know about gravity, there wouldn't be NASA spacecraft and things that do with space. After hat discovery many inventors started making telescopes spaceships shuttles and many other things. Thanks to Newton's discovery we learn about gravity in school.

Kai said...

I think the discovery of gravity is important because then we would never understand why we stick to the earth. If we had not learned about gravity, we would not know how much fuel to put into a rocket ship. Then we would never know about space. Thanks to Isaac Newton we know about gravity. Plus if there was no gravity on earth it would be hard to do things.

Ryan said...

I think the discovery of gravity was important. It helps us to make other discoveries. Gravity is a big factor to science. Also, it helps us understand space. This is why I think gravity is important.

Ryan said...

I think the discovery of gravity was important. It helps us to make other discoveries. Gravity is a big factor to science. Also, it helps us understand space. This is why I think gravity is important.

Charlotte said...

I think his discovery is important because we would never know why things fell straight down. We also would never know what to call it. Gravity is important because we would never know what to do without it. It is also important because we would never know about flying to the moon. As you can see gravity is very important

Richa said...

It's important because his one discovery led to many other great discoveries. Such as gravity keeps all the planets in orbit with the sun. Just as Earth does with the moon. And water doesn't fly out into space which is once again the greatness of gravity. Wouldn't it be weird getting a glass of water and then having it float out in space????

nina said...


NINA! said...


laura said...

im crazy candy cane