Monday, December 10, 2012

Holiday Traditions

Will your family be celebrating any holidays over Winter Break- like Christmas, New Years, or Hanukkah? Pick your favorite holiday that you celebrate and write about what your family's traditions are.

(If you don't celebrate any winter holidays, you can write about what you will be doing over Winter Break)


Matthew P said...

Me and my family celebrate Christmas. Christmas is on December 25th. On the 24th at night time Santa comes over to are house and brings presents. We open the presents the next day. We also make a gingerbread house. Christmas is the holiday to give.
Me and my family don't really celebrate New Years.

Laura said...

My family celebrates Cristmas.On Cristmas eve I get to open 1 present.On Cristmas day I go over to my grandpa's house and open presents and watch Cristmas movies.We also put up our Cristmas tree.

Laura said...

I for got a sentens we also put up lights on our windows

Charlotte said...

Before or during winter my family and I make a yummy gingerbread house. This year the day after Christmas we're going up to Whistler. Ice skating and skiing is usually one of are traditions. My family and I always decorate the tree, put up lots of lights, and sip warm mugs of hot chocolate. We also love to watch the ball drop in New York on our T.V.

Tristan said...

We will be celebrating Christmas this winter-break. The 17th-22nd we will be in Oregon celebrating Christmas and Thanksgiving since we couldn’t go down there in November. Going down there is pretty fun because
#1. We don’t get to see our grandparents that much. #2. We get together and get to have a lot of fun. And #3. Since we have a lot of relatives down there, we get to see most of our relatives.
On the 24th we get to go down to Olympia to our Papa’s & Yaya’s and have diner and play with our cousin.
(Greek Language) Εμείς θα γιορτάζουμε τα Χριστούγεννα αυτό το χειμώνα-break. Ο δέκατος έβδομος με εικοστό δεύτερο θα είμαστε σε Όρεγκον εορτασμό των Χριστουγέννων και την ημέρα των ευχαριστιών από τη στιγμή που δεν θα μπορούσε να μείνει εκεί το Νοέμβριο. Πηγαίνοντας εκεί κάτω είναι αρκετά διασκεδαστικό, επειδή
# 1. Δεν έχετε να δείτε τους παππούδες μας τόσο πολύ. # 2. Παίρνουμε μαζί και να πάρετε για να έχουν πολλή διασκέδαση. Και # 3. Δεδομένου ότι έχουμε πολλά συγγενείς εκεί κάτω, έχουμε την ευκαιρία να δούμε περισσότερα από τους συγγενείς μας.
Στις 24 έχουμε την ευκαιρία να πάει κάτω στην Ολυμπία για να του Παπά και του Yaya και το δείπνο μας και παίζουν με τον ξάδελφό μας.

liam said...

Me and my family celebrate Christmas. Chirtsmas is on 12/25 each year. On the 24th of the 12th month we track Santa via NORAD online. Then on the 25th we wait to all go downstairs together. We open presents and look in our stockings. After that, we get ready and head south to spend the rest of the day with family.

Lauren said...

I celabrate Chirstmas.My family trations are very old.So first we put up the Chistmas tree and decorate it.Then we put on the ordaments.Next we watch a Chistmas movie witch is eather roudgh the red nose rain deer or frosty the snow man.Then my dad and my brother put up the lights out side wall me and my mom put out the insde decorateions.My favorate inside decorateion is the Christmas calender.We also make gingerbread houses and we make Christmas cookies and hot chocolate with wip cream and marshmellows.On Christmas eve we go to chrch with my entiair family than we all go to my grandma's house for dinner and I get to open a present it's always an ordament than we go home and put the ordaments that me and my brother got on the tree.Than we get in our Christmas pj's and set out the milk and cookies for santa.Than we go up to bed and brush our teath and say our prers then we set our elarms for 7:oo.

Julie said...

When it is christmas i always have it at my house or my great aunt carols carol but this year it will be at my aunts house so it will be so exciting.I always get a present from all my family.We always get a tree then a fake tree.And we always get to see santa claws at the mall but this year i got to go to the polor express train and it was super fun.I got to see santa claws and they got to sing the hot chocolate song and it was super fun.they also got to read the book to everybody.Their was'nt only us there was also some other people we don't know.Every year we always get to put the lights on every year with some holiday music and its so cool.I recomend the polor express book and movie if you havent wached it and for people that celebrate christmas to any year olds.
And thats what i do for the holidays!

Tessa said...

My family and I celibrate, you guessed it, Christmas. One of our Christmas traditions is going on the train that runs every year called The Santa Train. This train goes to the other train were you can meet "Santa" and you get cookies and hot chocolate after! (That's my favorite part!)
Another tradition is handprint orniments. Every year we handprint a special orniment and hang it on our tree.
Another tradition is watching Christmas movies.
One of my favorite traditions is staying up late and watching the ball drop on New Year on TV. (Don't tell my little brother!)
Those are my favorite Christmas traditions.

TESSA said...

Ps. We also track Santa via NORAD.

Ryan said...

My family and I celabrate Christmis. We get a Christmis tree and put lights and ordaments on it. We also put lights on our house. At Christmis a lot of my relitives come to our house. We also watch holiday movies. Another thing we do is visit my grandparents. I like Christmis.

ALIVIA said...

My family and I celabrate Chirstmas. So frist we get a Chirstmas tree and decrate it. Then we decrate the house and put Chirstmas lights up. So on Chirstmas every year we open all the presents at our house then we all take our favorate thing we got then take it to one of my grandma and grandpas house then open all of those presents then say " good bye". Then we go to my moms mom then show off the presents we got then allways we open the stockens first then sometimes it boring because we each have to open ONLY ONE PRESENT AT A TIME!! and theres like 14 pepole allways there so its so slow to open a present. So thats my Chirstmas!

Trevor said...

My favorite winter holiday is Christmas. Every Christmas, I decorate a Christmas tree with my family. We always get advent calendars to open before Christmas. Every Christmas, we hang stockings above the fireplace to be filled with gifts. We always leave out cookies, milk, and carrots for Santa Claus. I love making gingerbread houses and Christmas cookies with my mom. My brother, Colin, and I wake up early and run downstairs to open presents while my dad videotapes us.

radical james said...

One of my favroaite hoaidays is christmas.we plan witch people we will give presents to. theen on the 24th we open or presents.Then we go home do normal stuff then go to bed.So thats all my chrimtmas.

Richa said...

My family and I normaly celebrate christmas.Every morning we drink peperminte hot cocoa.We also go sleding.We also go tubing at snowqualmie pass.We put up lights that look like iceicles that are hanging from the edges of the roof.That is how I celebrate my christmas.

Mathew s said...

My family celebrates Christmas.Our traditions are: having family over, putting up A Christmas tree and decorating it, watch movies,etc. This year is going to be special because ALL of my friends and family are coming.We also celebrate New Years. On New Years, we rent a gym and have a feast.

Awesome Andrew said...

For Christmas, me and my mom go on a long trip to see my family. We always have a big dinner and watch movies. Then we open presents and we are always happy on Christmas. We get to go sledding, we turn on some music and dance around. My Christmas is always a joyful time of the year.

Adam said...

We celebrate New Year’s. Every year my family and friends get together somewhere fancy. There is a kid section and the adult section. In the kid section there is food such as steamed rice, chicken, beef, and fried rice. We also play games such as UNO, monopoly, and tag for two hours and a half hours. Two hours before midnight all the kids go to the adult room. Ten seconds before midnight we start counting down from ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and one. At midnight all the balloons fall from the ceiling. After midnight we all start dancing and talked to each other. That’s how we celebrate New Years

Nina said...

My family celebrates Christmas! Every year we go to my Grandma and Grandpa's house on Christmas Eve. We open presents, and eat a fabulous dinner. We always sit on Santa's lap. We also go to Snowflake Lane, go to the movies, and go to dinner in Bellevue. We also go to the Botanical gardens in Bellevue. I have a wonderful Christmas every year, and I hope you do you!

Desiree said...

We are celebrating Christmas.We are going to make cookies and eat them.We will also watch Christmas movies. We are going snow tubing. Merry Christmas, New years, or Hanukkah or both.

Alexander said...

Me and my family celebrate Christmas we also love New Years. My favorite Christmas tradition is putting up the tree and decorating my house. I also love opening presents on Christmas day. But I love to give presents thats what Christmas is about, right ? My grandma and grandpa always come over and we have a special diner at our house

Ibrahim said...

Over winter break I will only be celebrating one holiday that is New years. My entire family gathers at my oldest uncle's house. My dad brings home huge tray's of food from our restraunt, for the party. We all eat food and then gather in the party room to play games, talk, and sit around the fire place.Then we stay over that night and have a sleep over with all of my cousins.

Nina said...


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