Monday, May 6, 2013

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day Card for Elementary School Students

Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May and was first observed in 1907.
  • What is special about your mother?


Matthew P said...

My mom always tries to help out. She also makes breakfast, lunch, and dinner for me. My mom cares for me when I get hurt. She also gives me fun treats every now and then. My mom drives me to school and back home every day. She also buys books for me when I finish all the ones I already have. Those are just a few reasons why my mom is special to me.

Kai. said...

My mom takes me on fun trips like we go to Calafornia and Nevada. My mom makes me my meals every day. She also makes sure I eat healthy every day and not hamburgers or school lunches every day. She is very sweet and caring. My mom always lets me attend to things like camps and never says "we can't afford it." She always is very interactive and always wants to do stuff with me like ride crazy rollarcoasters with me.

cheap jersey said...

Thanks for posting this.This is awesome!!

Julie said...

my mom takes care of me like making healthy food. Brings me home after school. Takes me to her work to eat or to have fun.She takes me to soccer practice when she can.She always works hard on anything she does. And that's some ways why my mom is nice and caring.

tristan said...

my mom is special in every way. i can not say what my mom is NOT special at. for right now i will only list 2 things. she cares for my ingeries and she helps me when i need it. my mom is so special , it would take me this long to explain ( )( it would be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay longer, but my mom did not let me

Trevor said...

My mom is special to me in many ways. One of the ways that my mom is special to me is that she always helps me out. She helps me when I am stuck on a homework problem. She helps clean the house. She also makes me my breakfast, packs my lunch for school, and makes me dinner. My mom is also special because she is so nice. When I have a baseball game, she'll come and watch me, she'll help with art in school, and she'll remind me to do my homework. My mom is so helpful and nice and I hope that I can do the same for my kids when I grow up.

cheap jerseys said...

Glad you shared, love you

Ryan said...

There are a lot of ways that my mom is special to me. One reason is that she makes me breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Another reason is that she helps me when I get hurt. My mom is very caring and helps me when I'm stuck on a problem on my homework or other school work such as the science fair, studying for a test, and especially the MSP. There are so many more great things about my mom, but then this blog post would be much, much, much, much longer, and also it would take me way, way, way, way longer then how long this has taken me.

Tessa said...

I love my mom! My mom is the best person ever! My mom makes me lunch every day, drives me to sports, helps out whenever there is trouble, my mom rules! She also makes sure that I can do a bunch of extra stuff, like have a friend over, occasionally throw a party, stuff like that. Without my mom, I don't know where i'd be.

liam said...

Here are three reasons why my mom is specail to me. Reson one: When I am sick she stays home with me. Reason two: She awalys plays games with me. Reason three: she allwoed me to be born. These are the reasons why my mom is speacil to me.

Ibrahim said...

My mom always does stuff for me and my family like make us breakfast.She always tries to help out.Like for my health.She always is there for me no matter what. These are reasons why my mom is special.

Richa :) said...

There are so many great ways to describe my awesome mom that I don't know where to start. If I for get anything at my house like homework that is due today she quickly comes, leaving behind all her work to drop my home work off. Sometimes when I want to go somewhere like to get some ice-cream she takes me there even though she has had a long and hard day.Those were just 2 reasons why my mom is so great and awesome but in real life there is over 2,000,000,000. My mom is the best!!!

Laura said...

My mom does a lot of car pools for all the sports I do.She takes us on campping trips.She loves me and cares for me.Makes dinner for us.Thats why me mom is spechel.

matthew s said...

My mom is special in many ways.She makes my lunch for me every day.She is always caring and honest. She cooks me a separate dinner -just for me.Those are only some of the many ways my mom is special.

James said...

She is very kind.She gave birth to me . She is a fantastic cook. She is stretgeck with money. she is caring. She is smart.She helps people when in need. She would love it if I could go around the world.

James said...

Ps she is super awsome to arortd camp bishop and sports.

Romana said...

There are many reasons why my mom is so special To me. First she always takes me to my after school activities even if my sister is sleeping or if she is crying. Second, she always makes food for my family. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Last but not least she makes me feel better if I get hurt or have a problem. She helps me with homework a lot of other things. But best of all she loves me and cares about me even if she is angry at me. That is why my mom is special to me.

Charlotte said...

My mom does so many nice things for me. She drives me to sports. She allows pays the expenses you have to pay if you do club soccer. She buys me nice things. My mom does so many nice things for me I can't even name them all.

Adam said...

My mom is the best mom in the world. She makes us lunch and dinner. She drives me to school and picks me up. Gives us fun treats such as candy. She takes us on fun trips like to Ottawa and Mexico. She also signs me up for soccer. That's why my mom is the best mom in the world

nina said...

my mom always loves to go camping with me. my mom takes care of me. she always lets me have playdates.she also takes me to basketball practice when she she has something else to mom is nice and she keeps me safe.also she comes shoping with me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

alivia said...

There are so many reasons why I think my mom is specil. One is she is allways there to help me. Another reason is everyday she drives me to shool. Also makes our dinner and lunch. She also takes me to fun places like Airzona and many more. My mom allways help me when I feel sad.There is nothing bad I can say about my mom. These are some reasons why I think my mom is soo specil.