Monday, April 15, 2013

Space Shuttle Launch

First Space Shuttle Launch April 12, 1981 Lesson Plans for Teachers

The Columbia Space Shuttle was the first space shuttle. It was launched on April 12, 1981 and it returned on April 14 after orbiting the Earth 36 times.

Imagine that NASA has selected you for the next space mission that will last over 6 months. You are allowed to bring 5 personal items with you (food and clothing will be provided by NASA). Which items would you choose and why?


Matthew P said...

If I was asked to bring 5 items I would choose a blanket, a pillow, the longest book I have, a pen, and the biggest notebook I have. I would bring a blanket in case I get cold. I would bring a pillow to go to sleep on. I would bring a book to keep up my reading and to read when I get bored. I would bring a pen to draw and write in the notebook and the reason I brought a pen is because a pencil can run out of lead or break. Finally, I brought a notebook to draw in and write in when I get bored or just for fun. When i'm in space I could keep a diary of what it's like. If I actaully did get a chance to go into space I probally wouldn't take it.

Desiree said...

I would bring a camera,notebook,pen,ipad,and earphones.I would bring a camera to take pictures.I would bring a notebook and a pen to writes whats happening and write what I see. I would also bring my ipad and earphones to listen to music, play games, and study on my ipad. This is why I choose these 5 items.

Julie said...

if i was told to bring 5 items i would have brought a blanket of course just in case i get to cold.
A pillow to keep me cunfie. I would be my NOOK to keep me company and download some books or games!i would bring a camera from my mom and dad!
and a pen or and a notebook because then i can make a book or tell different people so then they would know what i have done in space!Now that i think of it i would want to go to space! But 1 thing i need a space ship!Well anyways hope someone soon can be brave enough to go to space!hope everyone has fun!


NINA said...

i would bring a camera,pillow,blanket,notepad, and a pen. i would bring a camera because i would want to remember and take pics.i would bring a pillow and blanket because i need a good place to sleep. i would bring a notepad and pen so could write things would be so fun!!!!!!!!

Laura said...

if i could bring 5 idems i would bring my ipod,my diary also a pen or pensil,headphone,a camera.My camera and ipod because i can take pic with it and play games with my ipod.Headphones because i can listen to music.Last my diary to take notes.(i think they alredy have pillows and blanks) so ya bye :)

laura said...


Ibrahim said...

The five items I would bring are an Ipod, headphones, pillow, to keep me comfortable, a blanket incase its cold. A book that's really long so I can read when I get bored. I would want to bring my Ipod to play games and listen to music. And headphones so only I can enjoy my music. These are the five things I would bring on my mission.

Lauren said...

I would bring a flash light so I can see in the dark.I would also bring water so I can't die of thirst.Then I'd bring books so that I don't get bord.I'd also bring pillows and blanckets so I'm coftorable.Then last but not least I'd bring pictures of my family so I can remember the geart memoreies that we shared.

Tessa said...

I would bring a camera, my kindle + charger, notebook + pen, a sleeping bag, and a pillow. I would bring my camera so that I could take pictures of stars and planets. I would bring my Kindle so if I get bored, I could have something to do. I would bring a notebook so I could record my journey. I would bring a sleeping bag and pillow to keep me comfortable and warm.

Nina said...

hey lauren that is not how you spell bored :3) ha ha ha my smiley face has mustache!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :3) :3) :3)

Nina said...

:3) :3) :3)

Ryan said...

If I was asked to bring five items this is what I would bring. A pillow(I don't think the space shuttle would be very comfy). I would also bring a GIANT book incase I get bored. I would bring a note book and a pen so I could write about everything that happened. Then I sould bring another book because I love reading and would need more than one book.

James said...

I would bring bedding a IPAD lots of paper and lots of pencils and other astonots.the bedding is for warmth. The Ipad for intertanment. the pencils are for writing on paper. and other astronouts are there for help in piloting and rest. So there are the 5 things I will bring in space

alivia said...

If I was asked to bring five items I would bring a blanket just in case its cold. I would also bring a camera to take pictures of all the stars and planets and a note book so that I can take notes of what I see. I would also bring a pen so I can write with. The last thing I would bring is a ipad because I can watch movies and play games on it. These are the five things i would bring on a space mission that lasts six months.

Kai. said...

If I had to bring: a sleeping bag, a pillow, a camera, a star tracker, and a cell phone. The sleeping bag for extra warmth because if I brought a blanket, it would float away. I would bring the pillow because in the beds of the spaceship there are no pillows. A camera because it would be cool to take pictures in front of stars and planets and stuff. The star tracker for identifying star constellations like the big and little dippers. Finally, I would bring the cell phone for calling my family. Some people think that is not right but you are closer to the satellites. That is the five items I would bring.

Trevor said...

I would bring my computer because if we were testing anything I would be able to record the data and results on my computer. I would also bring a set of books about space that I could read when we are studying the different effects of space on a person. I would bring a map of all of the explored areas in space so that I would know where everything is. I would bring a large set of weights so that while I was in space, all of my muscles would stay strong. I would also bring along many flash drives so that I could put all of the data I collect on them. I would bring multiple so that if something happened to one of them, I would have a back-up. If I were to go on a space mission, these would probably be my top five things to bring along.

matthew s. said...

If I could bring 5 items to space with me, I would bring:
1)An Ipad(with a charger that has batteries(no plugs in shuttle)
3)favorite pillow case(there are pillows on the spaceship)
4)magnetic chessboard(so the pieces wouldn't float)
5)book-O-mania(a LOT of good books to read
I would use the Ipad for entertainment.The earphones so i wouldn't disturb anyone.The pillowcase because I don't like other pillows.The chess board if i got bored of the Ipad.And finally, the books if i got bored of everything else.


I would bring a journal to write all of my adventures down. I would also bring a sleeping bag to keep we warm during the night. Another item I would bring is my nook to read on and play games on. The fourth item I would bring is pictures of my family so I won't forget about them for a second. The last item I would bring is a pillow for my head to rest on.

liam said...

If i was asked to bring 5 itenms I would bring the following: 1. a book; 2. my Nintendo 3DS; 3. a picture of my family; 4.a stuffed animal and 5. a blanket. I would bring the book in case I get bored. Same for the 3DS. The picture of my family would be for when I miss them. A stuffed animal for when I go to sleep. And finally, the blanket for when I'm cold.

Adam said...

If I could only take 5 items, I would take the following: a big heater, computer, camera, giant workbook,and my DSi. I would take the heater just in case it starts to freeze. I would bring my Surface to keep in touch with friends, family and to keep notes about my experience in space. Since I like to take pictures, it would be great to have my camera with me. To keep me busy I would use my workboook. And to have fun I would use my DSi. Those are the five items I would take with me.

Richa :) said...

I would bring a pillow, a sleeping bag, a surface, a star tracker/photo saver, and some pictures of my family. I would bring a pillow to rest my head on, a sleeping bag to sleep in, a surface to take pictures with and to keep a diary on, a star tracker/photo saver to find the different constellations and to save pictures of them, and last, pictures of my family to remember them with.

Richa :) said...

I would bring a pillow, a sleeping bag, a surface, a star tracker/photo saver, and some pictures of my family. I would bring a pillow to rest my head on, a sleeping bag to sleep in, a surface to take pictures with and to keep a diary on, a star tracker/photo saver to find the different constellations and to save pictures of them, and last, pictures of my family to remember them with.

Richa :) said...

Sorry. I accidentally posted twice.

.Alexander. said...

If I could bring five items to space, I would bring a sleeping bag , a camera, the whole Harry Potters series, a notebook, and a Moon pen.

I would bring a sleeping bag to sleep in and to be warm and comfie. I would bring a camera so I can take pictures during the trip. The Harry Potter series would be busy when I was bored during the trip. I would bring a notebook, so I can record my journey and the "Moon pen" because it works in Space in any direction and even when there is no gravity.

.Alexander. said...

If I could bring five items to space, I would bring a sleeping bag , a camera, the whole Harry Potters series, a notebook, and a Moon pen.

I would bring a sleeping bag to sleep in and to be warm and comfie. I would bring a camera so I can take pictures during the trip. The Harry Potter series would be busy when I was bored during the trip. I would bring a notebook, so I can record my journey and the "Moon pen" because it works in Space in any direction and even when there is no gravity.

.Alexander. said...

Sorry i did it twice

Romana said...

If I could bring 5 items on my flight I w old bring... 1.) A journal and pen 2.) A camera 3.) My good luck ladybug 4.) A picture of my family 5.)a math and righting and reading Journals. I would bring my lady bug because it gives me luck. I would bring all those journals because so I can practice school work. The camera to take pictures. The journal to write in. And a picture of my family because I love them.

Tristan :3). said...

I would bring a notebook for drawing on. I would also bring a camra with 20 sd cards for taking pitures with. I would also bring a pillow and banket to sleep with. I would bring my pillowpet for compiny.