Monday, March 18, 2013

Magical Rainbow

On the way to school you see a rainbow. When you touch it, you suddenly find yourself in a magical world. Describe this world and tell what you do there.


Nina :) said...

my world would all made of candy.I would play at the candy park. the slide would be made of red name would be goofy gummy bear!!!!!!:) I LOVE CANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Matthew P said...

Once I touched the rainbow I magically appeared in a world with dwarfs and fairies. All the buildings were colorful and were as tall as the space needle. I ran over to a nearby fairy. '' Where am I? '' I asked. '' Your in Ireland. '' Said the fairy. I was puzzled but I just went with it. I was hungry so I looked for a cafe to eat at. I saw a a breakfast restaurant to my right. I walked in. The dwarf manager seated me and I ordered a bowl of Lucky Charms. After I got the check I payed 5 dollars. A moment or 2 later the manager came back and said, '' We don't accept that kind of money here. '' ( I figured they only accepted gold coins. ) After he kicked me out I heard a tiny voice screaming. I heard it coming from a trash can outside the restaurant. I looked in the trash can and saw a jar with tiny fairy that looked like Tinkerbell trapped inside. I took off the lid and the fairy came flying out. '' Since you saved me i'll grant you one wish. '' Said the fairy. '' I want to go home. '' I said. She waved her wand and all of a sudden I was riding down a rainbow. I could see Ireland and now I realized what the first fairy meant. The village I was in was above Ireland. All of a sudden I was back to where I first was before all of this happened. I better hurry. I don't want to miss the bus.

Andrew said...

I think my world would have a
movie theater and a bowling alley. It would have all of my favorite things on it, oh, and it would have dogs...lots of dogs...everywhere. It would have small little magical people that would grant me unlimited wishes. I would be able to fly and there would be no one in this world that should not be. This world would be awesome!

(p.s I really miss everyone and things are going great in
Moses Lake. so far, we have gone roller skating and bowling.
the school here is awesome, but Sunset will always be number one, and I will never forget it.)

Charlotte said...

One day while I was waiting for the school bell to ring I saw a rainbow, of course I touched it, and I found myself in a magical world. As soon as I got there everyone begged to be my servant while saying I should rule the world. It was a perfect world and I had been living there for a year now. everything was fine until I found out that one of my servant's was a monster. She was only being my servant because she wanted to kill me. The next day I wondered what would happen to her if she touched a rainbow. Touching a rainbow was how I got to the magical world, and what if she touched a rainbow and transported to another magical world. I looked up in the sky and saw a rainbow a few inches above m head. I called my servant over to the rainbow and told her that if she touched the rainbow it would give her a lot of strength and power. Luckily, she touched the rainbow and vanished. I loved my own magical world that the rainbow had transported me to, but thought it was time to go home. I touched the rainbow and myseteriously found myself waiting for the school bell like I had only been in the magical world a few seconds.

Andrew's cousin BELLA. said...

Never will I forget the very first time my hands met the surface of the most breathetaking rainbow my eyes have ever caught sight of. All in the flash of a second,I transported into such a world that words have absoulute zero effect on. From the moment I arrived ,everything my eyes met, seemed to have a wonderous sepia glow. Being caught in the moment,I didn't seem to take notice of bountiful eyes staring at me in such a way I shall always remember. Inching closer,one of the beholder of a pair of those eyes spoke up. "Who are you and where have you come from? Demanded a stern yet suddle being Whom I later realized was what seemed to be a little man. "I..I don't know."
They lifted me off the ground and carried me into what appeared to be a large pot overflowing with gold.

Tristan:). said...

Once upon a time I was walking to school and then all of a sudden a rainbow appeared in front of me. A little narrow brick path led all the way up the rainbow and into a cloud. I wanted to go and follow the path (since I thought there was gold up there) but I had to go to school. I started to walk away but then a little troll appeared in front of me and said in a small squeaky voice ," Why don’t you come and play with me on top of that cloud up there." He pointed to the cloud the rainbow led up to. I looked at the cloud then at him. I was a little suspicious so I said, "Sorry for being rude and not answering your question, but what is your name?" He quickly answered and said, "My name is Todd." Then I said "Sorry Todd, but I have school today. Maybe I could play after school." He just smiled and said, "Not to worry my friend. When you step on the rainbow, time will stop and you can get up there then come back down an hour later and no time will have passed at all." I looked at him and said warily, "Okayyyyy." He said "Yay!" And with that he led me up the rainbow and the sight I saw made me very thankful I said I would go. There was a bunch of Irish and Greek architecture. The only colors you could see were Green, Blue, and White. Todd then led me through a beautiful garden and onto a nice big meadow which we played in for a long time. When we were finished playing Todd took me out to lunch and we ate until we were stuffed. When we were done eating he took me back down the rainbow. Then I waved good-bye and ever since Todd and I have met there every Saint Patrick’s Day.

james said...

My world will be make it yourself land. You can do anything you want.Well to build and detsroy. there are many cretures like the nellicoin,hopperdent, deathhound,growhedrens, hellbells and others. its like earth but wiith diffrent phisicx.

james said...

Ahh matthew P why isthere only two cretures in your story there shold of been more cretures

Julie said...

Once i actually touched a rainbow!It was a very colorful rainbow and when ever that happened then i would see the magic of life the automatic best leprechaun ever it a appeared after about 5 sec. later. the leprechaun's name was lucky bill!I always saw him after the rain was over and the sun become to shine that's when the rainbow shows up!now i need to tell you what it looks mostly like i don't know how to start but anyways here i go, the sky's are like beautiful rainbows. there are also pink candy shown everywhere i also see parks like playgrounds,apple tree's and even more!that's what it looks like in my world!bye!

james said...

My land would be wizardy land. And there adventures. And traing gronds and lot's of dueling. And battles and boss fights. And your land where youare safe til ataked. it's a very risky plase to go to but totally possible to live. Are you up to the greatest challage of your life.We will see in wizard land.

Tessa said...

One day, I finally succeeded in touching a rainbow. Weirdly, when I passed through, I wasn't in Seattle anymore. I saw many buildings, and they were all shimmering with the light of the rainbow behind me. I looked back, and there was no rainbow. That meant the buildings were actually shimming, with no apparent help from a projector or anything. By then, I was really freaking out. I walked into a nearby thrift shop.
"I'm gonna pop some tags, only got 20 dolla in my pocket, lookin' for a cuppa, this is really awesome."
Sounded from a boombox by the window.
"I am inseparable, from the thrift shop down the road." I went up to the seemingly empty cashier's check-out.
"Hello, can someone give me a hand?" I pleaded.
"You want me to give you a hand, earthling? I'll give you a hand!"
Shouted a squeaky little voice from the desk. When the thing came out, my thoughts went something like this,
Ahhhh! Cupid!
Then I looked more closely at the little sumo wrestler dude. He had ripped muscles, little pink wings that made an interesting fashion statement, as he was wearing a green muscle shirt and a gold dollar sign around his neck, like the ones that rappers wear.
Then I felt little jabs along my thighs.
"Gahh!" I said.
"PUNK!!!!!!" He yelled viciously.
Then I did the obvious thing, I screamed and ran.
And so that's how I spent the rest of my day. Running from a crazy pink sumo wrestler, (Did I mention that he's 6 inches tall?)
With a dollar sign necklace.

desiree said...

Once I touched a rainbow I magically appeared in a world of walking gummy bears and fairies. The buildings were made out of gold. I asked a gummy bear "where am I?" He said "your in leprechaun world. "So is everything made out of gold?" I asked. He said "yes but not the food." The gummy bear gave me hundred (100) pieces of gold and I said "thank you." I got some food at a buffet . I saw another rainbow I touched it and I was at the playground at school, like nothing happen. That was the best adventure I ever had be myself and first adventure.

Laura:) said...

My world whould be sora like Nina's made out of candy.My name whould be Crazy Candycane.I would live in a house made out of redvines and gum drops.I whould have cotten candy hair and a peper mint leggings,a peper mint dress and marshmellow boots.My best frind is goofy gummy bear(Nina)my fav thing to do with goofy is go to the candy park and play on the red vine bars and go candy boilling.It would be awesome.That would be my life in a rainbow.

Romana said...

well I'm laughy lollypop

Ibrahim said...

I would have a bunch of gold.The second thing that I would have is adventure to find the gold.Third of all is that the gold is i Ireland and the leprechaun has it.If you steal he gold you will be capture by a leprechaun.The only person that can get it is Joe the wizard.He got capture by commander Bryan.He got the gold while using he"s x ray vision.Then after that he was rich and he lived like a king the end.

Richa 🎈 said...

I think my world would have peace signs every where. And the only type of human beings on earth would be girls. I think I would make or become queen. I would rule the lane very kindly but I would add enough spice in the world to bring mischief and naughty-ness(meaning the nice/appropriate way).

Adam said...

When I touched the rainbow I would be in a place called Candyville . The river is made out of sweet Chocolate. The boats that you could ride on the river are made out of fried bananas. The tree bark is made out of vanilla wafers and the leafs are made out of gumdrops. The house/restaurant are made of Kit-Kat and Laffy Taffy. People are like us. There is a bowling area. The bowling balls are made out of gobstoppers but they are the same size as really bowling balls. The clouds are made out of whip cream. The sun is made out of yellow frosting. The ground/floor is made out of gummy worms. TV is made out of dark Hershey bars. When the people went to a restaurant they got severed candy. After they finished eating they left because they get everything for free. Some people decide to go on a ride on the sweet Chocolate river for the evening to relax and some people come after dinner. When they go to bed they sleep on gum. They earn a millions of dollars a day even though they get everything for free they get millions of dollars a year. They get that money to build more houses and make some buildings. This is the best place in the world.

Richa :) said...

Hey Andrew!!!! So nice to hear from you! Hope you post every week!!!


Ryan said...

The world would have lots and lots of petstores. There would also be a movie theater. A GIANT movie theater. There would be reacurring pots of gold on the sidewalk. This is what my world would be like.

Hello Andrew from the
far of planet of
Moses Lake.:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)!

Trevor said...

In my world, everything is made entirely out of candy. The houses are licorice, the ponds are melted chocolate, and the trees are cotton candy. Everyone lives in a village and worships the Candy King who can create candy. All the villagers, called Numkins, are small and purple. When I arrived at the village, I was sent to school. In school you would get taught how to weave candy dresses, how to make candy out of water, and how the village was created by the Candy King. After school, I went home with a friend I had made and we had a sleepover with two other Numkins. At the sleepover, we played games like Candamania, Candy Cop, and Candyland. We went to sleep in sleeping bags made of Cotton Candy from the candy trees and pillows made of laffy taffy. I woke up to the sound of my Mom telling me to get ready for school. I looked outside and everything was normal except for a rainbow in the sky.

Alexander said...

As I touched the fascinating rainbow it exploded into a cloud of dust. I found myself in a amazing land with basketball courts and football games going on this was the "Man cave/Sports" section. I flew over "Leprechaun Land", "Ice Cream Mania", "Massive Shark Tank", and "Video Game City". There I met Harald Jr showed me around everywhere. At the end I gave him a 20 bill and he vanished and was gone with everything else.


Ryan said...

When I touched the rainbow I found myself in a mystical world. The builings were so tall and wide made the Space Needle look defective. I walked around looking at everything I could take in until I noticed I was hungry. I looked around until I saw a place called MaRvOlLoEs Cafe. I walked inside and sat down. A elf appeared next to me instantly. I orderd a bowl of cereal and left. I didn't even have to pay. I left and noticed I had been there for an hour at least. I had to get to school. I touched the rainbow and got back home. It seemed like no time had passed.

Matthew s said...

One day I touched a rainbow.The moment I touched it I was instantaneously transported to the world of Minecraft. But it wasn't regular. Instead of being square blocks of dirt, cobblestone,and sand, it was square blocks of candy. Instead of sand, it was sugar. Instead of dirt, brown marshmallow fluff. Cobblestone was gobbstoppers, water was liquid lollipop and flowers were Milky ways. Creepers would be twix bars that explode into chocolate. I ventured around until it got dark. I built a gobbstopper house and went to bed. In the morning, I totally forgot about school! I went home and asked what time it was. Mom asked me where i was and I said I was at Hailey's house. It was 9:20! I was late to school. Mom drove me there and I went to class. After school I went home, ate dinner, and went to bed. THE END

Julie said...

hey Andrew really miss you being number 10 i our class.Hope you can chat on every blog we have every week!See you soon i hope!

PS i miss you so much that i would like to cry right now!i know that's sort of weard if we see you soon!

Julie said...

i mean see you soon!

alivia said...

The world would be made out of candy. When I first woke up I would be on a pillow of marshmallows. There would be a stream of chocolate through the world and the flowers would be little tea cups filled with tea. The clouds would be able to come down when you want them to and give you a ride to where ever you want. My favorite thing to do there is to go on the fastest and scariest roller coaster there. There would be a amusement park with any kind of ride you could image. When you wanted something all you had to do was think of it and it would appear especially if it was candy. The best part of this magical world is that not only is it fun and filled will candy but I could invite my friends to come with me.

Lauren said...

Well after I got into the wrold like when I touched the groud I was surounded by a bunch little leprchouns and tiny people so of corse right before I could even open my mouth they all start argoing about if I'm good or not.So of corse being me I trid to help them but luky for me they disided that I was good.Then they showed me around first we went too butterfly feilds then we went too candy medow after that we went too the ice cream parlor there ice cream was amzing fantastic geart I don't know what word to use.By the way I was geting ready to stay here the rest of my life. Then I new I would miss my friends and family so I told them that I should go back home know so they gave me one of there hot air balloon and before I new it I was home.

Julie said...

yeah hope you guys like the food im making for market place!

Julie said...

Im sorry that i did this on the page i ment the home page

Tessa said...

Guys, I'm gonna tell you something really depressing. I won't be here 4 marketplace!