Monday, February 11, 2013

What is love?

What is love? How do you know someone loves you? What's a specific example you've seen of love?

Please write five thoughtful sentences about love and examples of love you've seen. Remember to use complete sentences and proper spelling and grammar.


Matthew P said...

Love is being nice,kind,and caring. But that's not it. Love is also being respectful. Another word to describe love is friendship. A good example of friendship was when we did our Secret Pal snacks. We were showing love by showing friendship. Love can even be the small things in life like tying a friend's shoe. There are so many ways to describe love that no one could list them all.

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Richa said...

Love. Love is what your parents give you. Every time your parents hug or kiss you they are expressing there love for you. Love can be found in everything. From sharpening a pencil for somebody, to giving a hug. Try finding love in thing you or anybody else do/does.

Tessa said...

Love is a way for people to express their feelings to people such as their Grandfather, Grandmother, Mom, Dad, sister, brother, Aunt, Uncle, or a cousin. Love can be just lending someone a helping hand. Valentines day is a day dedicated to love, friendship, or however you want to put it. And with Valentines day coming up, try to help in the house, give mom and dad a helping hand, just help a little. It's not that hard!

Trevor said...

Love is when you are very passionate about something or someone. You can know that someone loves you if they try to impress you with things that you like. My parents are very passionate about each other so you could say they love each other. They show their love each other by giving each other nice surprises and doing fun activities together like skiing.

james said...

Love is being nice and some other super awesome thing. Ps to the last comment I said it's also about friendship. Also you can't love a person if you hate them. And that means don't love crazy people ether or else you are crazy. And go psycho as well.

Julie said...

love is being very nice to is also of course your mom and dad loves you right?right now we are being nice or love because we are doing the blog and we love ita is also lisening to different people and being respectful.

Nina :) said...

Love is being kind, nice and friendly to is how you express your deepest feelings to someone.people show their love to each other by giving them gifts or surprising them with fun stuff to do like tickets to hawaii or paris. love is about always having someone there for you always. love is always around you always.

Ryan said...

Love is a feeling towards somone,like friendship. Your mom and dad probaly love you. If you have a pet you probaly love your pet. This is what I think love is.

Ibrahim said...

Love is being nice kind.Also being caring and respectful.For exanple if a friend is hurt help him feel better.Freindship is also a way to show love.Giving a friend that sad is a way of showing love.Saying sorry when you do somthing mean is also showing love.

Laura said...

Love.Its like when your mom or dad gives you a hug thats love.Thats what you feel when anyone in your famliy gives you a hug.A good way to show someone you love them is give them a hug.V-day is a good day to tell someone you love them

Andrew said...

Love is like making a new friend or helping someone do the dishes, sharpen a pencil or even just giving your mom or dad a hug. Love is when you are respectful, responsible, safe, or caring to friends, family, and pets. Pets need a lot of love. They want to play, eat, relax on the couch with you, and do it all over again the next day. The meaning of love is when you help a friend who is put down or sad. It is also when you help a family member fold the laundry, or clean the house, or even help set up the dinner table. There are so many examples for love. In fact, I think I would lose count!

Alexander said...

Love is imposible to explain. But in this case it would be being very nice and happy to see that person. It can also be a special bond you have with someone or something. You can't really describe love. Love is in almost everything so you can't measure it.

liam said...

Love is a feeling you get when someone does something special for you like baking brownies with sprinkles. Love is knowing how to treat other people like you want to be treated. Love is doing things with others that they enjoy, even if it's not your favorite thing. Love is something you cannot buy at the store, but is the most valuable thing you'll ever have. Love can expressed in a variety of ways from a hug to a simple note. I know I am loved by all the things people do for me.

matthew s said...

Love, is unexplainable. Some examples of love are:
- Hugging
- Kissing
- Taking care of someone
I feel happy when I am loved.Do you feel loved? Have you hugged somebody today ???

Lauren said...

Love is when you hug your mom or dad.Love is when you want to be with that person in life.Love is when your mom or dad comes in to your room to say good night or to say I love you.Love is when your mom or dad kiss's you beafore you fall asleep at night.Finally love is when someone loves you and youlove them back.

Charlotte said...

One of my examples of love is when someone is being nice to you. also when someone helps you out. You also can show your love by telling someone you love them. Finally, you can show your love by being a helping hand. There are so many ways to show your love.

Kai said...

Love is something that most parents give there young. When they they take you on a fun trip or something that is one way thy can express their love. Another way is when they kiss or hug you. Someone else not from your family can express love too. That is why some people get married.

Tristan:). said...

Love is when you :

- Hug someone
- Kiss someone
- Marry someone

But love isn’t just that. It is something parents give to their young. That is my example of love.

Alivia said...

Love is when you are really passionate about someone or something. You cant explane love love comes from the inside of you. Like I love my family and friends ( and my dog coco). Like when I am about to go to bed and my mom says" I love you" And one moer example is like when me and my mom get mad at eachother we still allways love eachother. So thats what I think love is.

Romana said...

Love is a feeling. Only people can feel it.Love is friendship, respect, kindness, and how you treat others.There is love in plays like romeo and juliet, there is love in movies like cinderella, and there is love in your house.your mom loves your dad, they love you and your siblings, and you should love your siblings and yourself